Bin Wu 

Associate Professor

School of Computer and Artificial Intelligence
Zhengzhou University

Wechat:   wubinzzu
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Dr. Bin Wu, member of CCF, CAAI, CIPS, and ACM, is a researcher from the School of Computer and Artificial Intelligence, Zhengzhou University. My research interests include data mining and machine learning, with a particular focus on recommender systems, graph representation learning, social network analysis, multimedia. Dr. Wu has published two translations and co-/authored more than 30 publications appeared in several top journals/conferences including TKDE, TNNLS, TSMC, TCYB, TII, IOT, and WSDM. Moreover, he has served as the PC member for WWW, KDD, RecSys, and ECML-PKDD conference, and the invited reviewer for prestigious journals including TKDE, TNNLS, TOIS, TSMC, and TCYB. He has received many awards over the past five years, like ACM Zhengzhou Rising Star Award in 2022, Technology Award (First Prize) of Henan Provincial Education Department in 2022 and 2023, ACM Zhengzhou Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2020 and Top 10 graduate award in 2019. His research group is now recruiting self-motivated Undergraduate / Master students in data mining and machine learning. He is also open to various collaborations. If you are interested in, please get in touch with me.


Zhengzhou University
Research Associate Professor, Oct. 2020 --
Zhengzhou University
Doctor in Software Engineering, Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2020
Supervisor: Prof. Yangdong Ye
National University of Singapore
Intern Student in NExT++ Center, Dec. 2018 - Jul. 2019
Advisior: Prof. Xiangnan He
Zhengzhou University
Master in Computer Software & Theory, Sep. 2013 - Jul. 2016
Supervisor: Prof. Yangdong Ye

Selected Publications

Graph-augmented co-attention model for socio-sequential recommendation
Bin Wu, Xiangnan He, Le Wu, Xue Zhang & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC), 53(7):4039-4051, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 11.471)  • Codes

Graph-augmented social translation model for next-item recommendation
Bin Wu, Lihong Zhong & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), 19(11):10913-10922, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 11.648)  • Codes

Graph-coupled time interval network for sequential recommendation
Bin Wu, Tianren Shi, Lihong Zhong, Yan Zhang & Yangdong Ye
Information Sciences, 119510, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 8.1)  • Codes

Graph gating-mixer for sequential recommendation
Bin Wu, Xun Su, Jing Liang, Zhongchuan Sun, Lihong Zhong & Yangdong Ye
Expert Systems With Applications, 238:122060, 2024. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 8.5)  • Codes

Cross-domain contrastive graph neural network for LncRNA-protein interaction prediction
Hui Li, Bin Wu, Miaomiao Sun, Zhenfeng Zhu, Kuisheng Chen & Hong Ge
Knowledge-Based Systems, 111901, 2024 (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 8.8)  • Codes

Role-guided graph neural recommendation in user-generated content scenarios
Zhengzheng Lou, Junjiao Zhu, Wanchuang Zhang & Bin Wu*
Chinese Journal of Computers (in chinese), 47(6):1288-1303, 2024. (CCF T1) *Corresponding Author

Attentive adversarial collaborative filtering
Zhongchuan Sun, Bin Wu, Shizhe Hu, Mingming Zhang & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC), 53(7):2168-2216, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 11.471)  • Codes

Modeling product's visual and functional characteristics for recommender systems
Bin Wu, Xiangnan He, Yun Chen, Liqiang Nie, Kai Zheng & Yangdong Ye
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 3837-3838, 2023. (TKDE Poster Track)   • Codes

Multi-view graph neural network with cascaded attention for lncRNA-miRNA interaction prediction
Hui Li, Bin Wu, Miaomiao Sun, Yangdong Ye, Zhenfeng Zhu & Kuisheng Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems, 110492, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 8.8)   • Codes   

Cross-modal information fusion for voice spoofing detection
Junxiao Xue, Hao Zhou, Huawei Song, Bin Wu & Lei Shi
Speech Communication, 147:41-50, 2023. (CCF B, Impact Factor: 2.723)

GCRec: graph-augmented capsule network for next-item recommendation
Bin Wu, Xiangnan He, Qi Zhang, Meng Wang & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 34(12):10164-10177, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 14.255)   • Codes   

Learning from the future: light cone modeling for sequential recommendation
Zhongchuan Sun, Bin Wu, Yifan Chen & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), 53(8):5358-5371, 2023. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 19.118)   • Codes   

Efficient complementary graph convolutional network without negative sampling for item recommendation
Bin Wu, Lihong Zhong, Hui Li & Yangdong Ye
Knowledge-Based Systems, 256:109758, 2022. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 8.139)   • Codes   

Modeling product's visual and functional characteristics for recommender systems
Bin Wu, Xiangnan He, Yun Chen, Liqiang Nie, Kai Zheng & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 34(3):1330-1343, 2022. (中科院一区SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 9.235)   • Codes

EAGCN: an efficient adaptive graph convolutional network for item recommendation in social internet of things
Bin Wu, Lihong Zhong, Lina Yao & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOT), 9(17):16386-16401, 2022. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 10.238)   • Codes   

Robustness evaluation for deep neural networks via mutation decision boundaries analysis
Renhao Lin, Qinglei Zhou, Bin Wu & Xiaofei Nan
Information Sciences, 601:147-161, 2022. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 8.233)

Sequential graph collaborative filtering
Zhongchuan Sun, Bin Wu, Youwei Wang & Yangdong Ye
Information Sciences, 592:244-260, 2022. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 6.975)   • Codes   

Gating augmented capsule network for sequential recommendation
Qi Zhang, Bin Wu, Zhongchuan Sun & Yangdong Ye
Knowledge-Based Systems, 247:108817, 2022. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 8.139)   • Codes   

Fine-grained modeling user interests for sequential recommendation
Qi Zhang, Bin Wu, Zhongchuan Sun & Yangdong Ye
SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis (in chinese), 52(10):1775-1791, 2022. (CCF T1)

A faster optimization mechanism for large-scale graph recommendation models
Zhengyi Yang, Bin Wu, Xiang Wang & Xiangnan He
Journal of Cyber Security (in chinese), 6(5):99-109, 2021. (CCF T2)

ATM: an attentive translation model for next-item recommendation
Bin Wu, Xiangnan He, Zhongchuan Sun, Liang Chen & Yangdong Ye
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), 16(3):1448-1459, 2020. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 10.215)

Unraveling metric vector spaces with factorization for recommendation
Shuai Zhang, Lina Yao, Bin Wu*, Xiwei Xu, Xiang Zhang & Liming Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), 16(2):732-742, 2020. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 10.215) • Codes *Corresponding Author

BSPR: basket-sensitive personalized ranking for product recommendation
Bin Wu & Yangdong Ye
Information Sciences, 541:185-206, 2020. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 6.795) • Codes

Multi-granularity environment perception based on octree occupancy grid
Ge Zhang, Bin Wu, Yulong Xu & Yangdong Ye
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79:26765–26785, 2020. (中科院三区SCI, Impact Factor: 2.757)

Co-attention mechanism for sequential recommendation
Xuwei He, Bin Wu, Zhongchuan Sun & Yangdong Ye
The 26th China Conference on Information Retrieval, CCIR 2020

Visual appearance or functional complementarity: which aspect affects your decision making?
Bin Wu, Yangdong Ye & Yun Chen
Information Sciences, 476:19-37, 2019. (中科院一区SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 5.910)

APL: adversarial pairwise learning for recommender systems
Zhongchuan Sun, Bin Wu#, Yunpeng Wu & Yangdong Ye
Expert Systems with Applications, 118:573-584, 2019. (中科院一区SCI, Impact Factor: 5.452)   • Codes    #Co-first Author

Gated attentive-autoencoder for content-aware recommendation
Chen Ma, Peng Kang, Bin Wu, Qinglong Wang & Xue Liu
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 519--527, 2019. (CCF B)   • Codes   

DeepRec: an open-source toolkit for deep learning based recommendation
Shuai Zhang, Yi Tay, Lina Yao, Bin Wu & Aixin Sun
Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 6581-6583, 2019.   • Codes   

A collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm for multi-source heterogeneous data
Bin Wu, Zhengzheng Lou & Yangdong Ye
Journal of Computer Research and Development (in chinese), 56(5): 1034-1047, 2019. (CCF T1)

Co-pairwise ranking model for item recommendation
Bin Wu, Yun Chen, Zhongchuan Sun & Yangdong Ye
Journal on Communications (in chinese), 40(9):193-206, 2019. (CCF T2)

Co-regularized matrix factorization recommendation algorithm
Bin Wu, Zhengzheng Lou & Yangdong Ye
Journal of Software (in chinese), 29(9):2681-2696, 2018. (CCF T1)

Recommendation Systems Handbook
First Edition & Second Edition,Translator


国家自然科学青年基金项目(62102369), 在研, 主持

河南省优秀青年科学基金(252300421227), 在研, 主持

中国博士后基金第74批面上项目(2023M743188), 在研, 主持

河南省博士后科研启动项目(202102016), 二等, 在研, 主持

河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)(232102211045), 经费支持, 在研, 主持

图传播IB方法的模型及传播机制研究(62176239), 在研, 参与

国家重点研发计划“先进轨道交通”重点专项(2018YFB1201403), 结项, 参与

传播IB方法的研究(61772475), 结项, 参与


Outstanding Graduation Thesis of Zhengzhou University, Outstanding Advisor, Oct. 21 2024.

Technology Award of Henan Provincial Education Department, First Prize, Jun 13 2024.

2022 ACM Zhengzhou Rising Star Award, Jun 15 2023.

Technology Award of Henan Provincial Education Department, First Prize, Jun 8 2023.

The Headline News of Zhengzhou University, May 18 2022.

Technology Award of Henan Provincial Education Department, First Prize, 2022

Excellent Academic Paper Award of the Fifth Henan Provincial Science Prize, Third Prize, 2022.

ACM Zhengzhou Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2020.

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Zhengzhou University, 2020.

Outstanding Graduate of Henan Province, 2020.

Outstanding Graduate of Zhengzhou University, 2020.

Songshan Award of Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Media News , 2020.

Best Paper Award in the 14th Forum of Postgraduates, Zhengzhou University, 2019

Top 10 Graduate Award (郑州大学研究生最高荣誉), Media Coverage [1],[2], [3], [4], 2019

National Scholarship for Graduate Students, 2019

Miyoshi Graduate Student, 2019

Graduate Award for Outstanding Achievement, 2018

Miyoshi Graduate Student, 2018

Outstanding Graduate of Zhengzhou University, 2013

National Encouragement Scholarship, 2012


一种基于成对对抗训练的推荐模型, 第3作者, 公开号: CN109360069B.
一种基于对抗模型的推荐方法, 第3作者, 公开号: CN111259244B.
一种图增强门控混合器的序列推荐方法, 第1作者, 公开号: CN117893272A.
一种基于社交平移模型的序列化推荐方法, 第1作者, 公开号: CN116738039A.
面向序列化推荐的图增强胶囊网络研究, 第1作者, 公开号: CN115496185A.
面向社会时序化推荐的图增强联合注意力方法, 第1作者, 公开号: CN116701755A.
面向序列化推荐的图耦合时间间隔网络研究, 第1作者, 公开号: CN116701766A.
一种基于高阶平移模型的物品推荐方法, 第2作者, 公开号: CN111652696A.
一种融合物品内在与外在特性的推荐方法, 第2作者, 公开号: CN111915390A.
一种空间自适应图卷积网络的推荐方法, 第3作者, 公开号: CN113590976A.
一种高效非采样的图卷积网络推荐方法, 第3作者, 公开号: CN114282122A.
用于快速评估排序模型的方法和装置, 第4作者, 公开号: CN114896131A.
一种基于小样本学习的预测蛋白质乳酸化修饰位点的算法, 第2作者, 公开号: CN116631506A.
一种门控单元增强胶囊网络的推荐方法, 第5作者, 公开号: CN114969535A.

Academic Activities

Frontiers of Computer Science (Academic Promotion Editor), CAAI Member, CCF Member, ACM Member
Reviewer of Journals: ACM TOIS, ACM TKDD, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TII, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TCYB, IEEE TSMC, Knowledge and Information Systems, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE computational intelligence magazine, Frontiers of Computer Science, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Neurocomputing, Expert Systems with Applications, Multimedia Systems, WWWJ, Journal of Software, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Chinese Journal of Computers, CAAI TRIT
PC Member of Conferences: WWW2023, RecSys2022, KDD2022, WSDM2022, ECML-PKDD2022, ECML-PKDD2021, ECML-PKDD2020, IJCNN 2019, IJCNN2020, RS@SAC’17

Invited Talks

General Recommendation→Sequential Recommendation→Socio-Sequential Recommendation   
invited by Prof. Lianyong Qi, China University of Petroleum, 23 November, 2023
Modeling Fine-grained User Preference for Recommender Systems   
invited by Prof. Yonghong Yu, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 28 September, 2022
Graph Neural Networks and Sequential Recommendation   
invited by Prof. Weike Pan, Shenzhen University, 29 November, 2021
Recommendation Methods over Diversified Data   
invited by the 7th Doctor Forum of Henan Computer Federation, 21 September, 2019

Opensource Projects

Librec(Core Developer), NeuRec(Creator), DeepRec(Core Developer)   

Useful Links

CCF Rankings
CS Conference Deadlines

Last update: 18 Feb, 2023. Webpage template borrows from Xiangnan He and Yinwei Wei.